This year has already been cray, cray. Jeez.
I'm resetting. Like, for real, for real. I am undergoing a true reset, with a fresh infusion of good energy and vibes. I'm focusing on gratitude and reconnecting with pure Source energy. So it was truly divine and delightful to spend time with my friend's baby, as babies are deeply connected to Source.
I’ve always considered myself a “baby whisperer.” I love babies, and we seem to just get along. I think a part of it is energy. When I see a child, especially a baby, I feel a sense of honor to be there with that child at that moment – a time when there’s extreme potential, and the child is naturally full of so much ambition. Think about all a child dares and learns to do in its first three to five years. All the times the child falls and gets back up until the child is able to walk upright without falling.
So far, 2018 is teaching me that the same gumption we display as babies is required throughout life. The feeling of falling and/or being stuck without a clear path to recovery can be frustrating and paralyzing. Yet, if we tap into the innate instincts we displayed in our youth, we understand that falling is a vital step towards mastering the art of walking. We acquire skills to maintain balance, identify what to hold onto to prevent stumbling, and above all, we learn that we can rise again and continue moving forward (walk, run, fly!).
This essential learning process allows us to realize greater potential within – understanding ourselves and our essence: truly seeing ourselves. This blog is about a journey into self, inspired by travel adventures and interpersonal connections. It's essentially a continuous journey of self-renewal. #Rebirth.
So what a pleasure it was to have a "conversation" (wink) with someone so close to the Source. ✨ Meet our first featured baby blogger, London Marion Cobb.
London is the intelligent, cutie-pie son of my childhood friend, Dominique, and her husband, Steven. I met London on a trip to visit Dominique and help her and Steven with their move. Although only four months, London had plenty to say and share!
Enjoy London's insights below. Thanks to Dominique for providing translation services. ✨
Introducing London and his Mom, Dominique. I asked London the following five questions:
How did you get the name London?
If you could pick any city in the world to visit, which would you choose?
What do you enjoy doing?
What is your favorite food?
What is the one message you would like to tell the world today?
London most certainly is trying to tell us something, especially on Question 5. Are we listening and paying attention? Our babies are so beautiful and deserve our attention.
Watch the full interview here.
Thank you Baby London and Mommy Dominique for sharing beautiful insights and energy! This was truly a fun, refreshing and joyful interview.
Love, love, love!
See Yaa, London!